Group Psychological Treatments are psychological therapies offered in a group format, usually with 4-8 clients who have similar presenting problems.
Most people can feel anxious at the thought of groups but they offer an important opportunity to ‘normalise’ their struggles and learn ways to better manage their difficulties through hearing other people talk about their situation. People have also reported feeling more supported in a group.
It is important to remember that in any group therapy, there is no expectation for individual participants to share their personal information in the group.
Depending upon the number and source of referrals, the following groups can be offered:
- Anxiety management (8 sessions)
- Depression Awareness/Coping Skills (12 sessions)
- Managing Anger (20 sessions)
- Coping with PTSD information workshops (1-3 sessions)
- Alcohol & Drug Misuse (up to 26 sessions)